CRC could use more of an improvement.

The new version of COMODO Remote Control (CRC) needs to be improved more. I have been experiencing the app crashing on my office machine if I leave open for a period of time and switch back to it, the screen is all white and the app looks to have gone into “non-responsive”. Also I am finding it doesn’t connect well with my servers. It connects I get the screen but its all black and I can’t do anything. I don’t get the Windows log on. And I also notice more latency between CRC and Teamviewer connected to the same machine. When I do something in Teamviewer it takes 5 seconds or more to update in CRC.

Again it would be nice to see a grey scale color option, this would help with some of the latency issues I am sure.


@smoothrunnings ,

What we can do to investigate the root cause as to why would the Comodo Remote Control crash. What servers are you trying to remote in? Here are the Server platforms that we support :

Windows Server 2003 R2
Windows Server 2008 R2
Windows Server 2012 R2
Windows Server 2016

We will create a support ticket to have the issue analyzed by our Development Team. We willl send some information on your email for details.