Create access for clients

Hi there! We would like to give our clients limited access to ITSM. I tried doing this by creating a user with technician / user role under his company name. But as it is, the user can see endpoints for every other client. I would like to make each client see only endpoints meant for their company. How can this be done please?

Hi @chales ,

We’ll take note on this and will keep you updated through email.

I am also curious about this, I requested this some time ago, and heard it was supposed to be released, I thought in the May release??

Hi @BOSS Yes, this feature request is already on the roadmap. If you like, we can add you on the email loop for the existing feature request about “Staff Roles rights limitation per Company”.

Yes, thank you!!

@BOSS We have added you in the loop on the existing feature request on “Staff Roles rights limitation per Company” and we will keep you posted on the development progress through email.

Hi Cristina, Just to verify, am i in the loop for this request “Staff Roles rights limitation per Company”? Clients want to swallow me already for access as i can’t give it to them since they’ll be able to see assets for our other clients.

Hi @chales ,

We apologize for any inconvenience it caused, However, we have been informed that the implementation of the feature (Staff roles rights limitation per Company) is on our roadmap and planned to be delivered by the end of Q4 2017.

Please keep me informed of this as well

Hi @easterntech50 ,

Yes, we will let you know once this feature becomes available.

I also sent you an email to help you keep track of this feature request.

I am also interested in this and had requested it before but not sure if I am added to be notified about any updates.

Hi @jtlogic
We have added you into the feature request ticket so that you can be notified of its progress.

I would also like to be notified.
I am looking for a solution that provides this functionality, It is a must have for me.

Hi @hd,

We appreciate your interest in this feature. We will add you to the list of interested partners with this feature request.

Thank you,

Hi, @Riley_C
I am also interested in this feature. Please add me to this feature request list.


Best Regards

Hi @ileshwart ,

Thank you for your interest regarding this feature. We will add you in the loop and we’ll send you an email to help you keep track of this request.

@chales , @BOSS , @easterntech50 , @jtlogic , @hd, @ileshwart

Good news! Our development team provided an update on this feature for roadmap delivery this 2018Q3. We will post any updates on this functionality.