Create different status and send automation e-mail


I would like to be able to create different / multiple status for a ticket / request with an automation e-mail being send… connected to that status.

So when change the status of a ticket, it wil send the e-mail you set for it…

Hello @Itarian_FAN

Please check out below help guide for more information:

I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Already found that but its not what i need / looking for.

Any ticket could have different status…Like Itarian call it Stage…

How cool would it be able to create End-User Ticket Templates… for every stage, but i prefer to call it Status… so when i change the status of a ticket… a customized e-mail would be send to the End User. (Now only a std tekst will be send that something has changed, not custumizeble)

For Example when i need to order a battery for a laptop, or supplies… what ever we need to order… i can change (Create first a new Status) the status to Ordered and then an email would be send that there we are waiting until the order has arrived, and the ticket is moved to a different Status… so we can see its wating for parts…

Then when the battery arrived… we can change the status to Order Recieve → Sent a template email that the end-user needs to bring in his device, make an appointment etc…
it saves a lot off time with automated, predefined e-mails for different status