CRM for Sales

Is anyone using the CRM?

I’m trying to figure out what it’s place is at the moment. Without webforms I’m not really sure how to get leads into the system other than manual entry.

If there were webforms, our answering service could populate them for sales inquiries which would be awesome, additionally we could put contact information on our website, or those “find out how you can blah blah blah” and they have to fill out the webform so they can download the PDF. Or “register for a free webinar/course” webforms.

Not having webforms, almost makes this useless, at least in my view – but I’d like to hear how others are using it?

(I know that vitger supports webforms, and I know webforms is on the “todo list” for the developers, but it seems to be getting pushed down the road)

I wanted to add-- this (sales) is where most “tech” people are the weakest, so we really need good tools and guidance on how to use them I feel.

Has anyone got email campaigns working? The Comodo CRM seems to not at all match the instructions on vtiger wiki for creating an email campaign.

Hi @indieserve

I also would love to hear what else would be beneficial or core functionality for the community.

I should state that, we have big plans for CRM. It should be one of the core features of Comodo ONE in the future. We do understand its importance and agree with you on your points.


Thanks Ilker. I don’t know what else to suggest because I’ve never used a CRM system before, I just know webforms is definitely something I want to prepopulate leads (for “free info PDFs”) and to register for webinars and other events. That stuff should go into the CRM via web. Email campaigns would be nice to send regular “newsletters” at the very least to customers, but also for more targeted email blasts. Beyond that I’m not really sure what else would be needed at my novice stage… One thing, when I go into CRM on a 1080p monitor with Chrome maximized, the CRM only takes up about half the screen, not sure if you’re aware of that or not.

@Ilker It is good to hear that CRM would be getting some attention soon. CRM is the Hub for all interactions with the Customer and Ticketing/Support is a vital touchpoint. Good implementation of CRM should be able to provide a 360 view of all customer interactions whether the data is stored directly in the CRM or referenced from other modules via any API (i.e. Service Desk, Projects, Reporting. Billing, etc. etc.)