Custom Design Service Desk Portal

Is there any update on giving us the ability to customise the Service Desk Portal or at least apply different skins to it? Is there an API which would allow us to design our own Portal Site? This is in regards to our portals at

The current Portal is extremely old fashioned looking and we are currently not using it for this reason.


Hi @Wearetheio,

Unfortunately Service Desk Portal do not have the ability. Thank you for your honest feedback. I added this request to our roadmap. And I will inform you about details.


would love to hear more about what you would like to customize please.

Hi @melih , I’ve sent you a private message with our feedback. Cheers.

Hi @Wearetheio ,

Thank you for your feedback. As product management team we will be very happy if you have time for a meeting. We can discuss about new portal design.
