Customers and ITSM out of sync?

I seem to have a problem with my Customers in the Comodo One platform and the ITSM. I have some customers in the C1 Customer Management that I have added, removed, or changed that are not available and/or reflected in ITSM. I cannot add a user for some of these clients because I cannot select the company.

I have been a C1 partner since the beginning (VERY HAPPY with Comodo One, btw) but I have often wondered if some part of my account is somehow left on an “old forgotten server in the corner” and not connected completely since I started so early. Anybody else have this issue?

Hello @randori,

We appreciate for bringing this issue to our attention. We have created a support ticket to further investigate this reported issue on the account. Thank you and we appreciate for your for bringing the case to our attention.