Customize the Email that is sent to enroll devices

Is there a way to customize the email that is sent out to users to install CDM on their devices? Like adding our logo? or our company name?

I finally found the settings button that contained this :slight_smile:

Where is this? I would like to change alot of that info as well. Good find!

Hello @USAComputerServices ,

You can customize Device Enrollment Email by going to Comodo Device Management > Settings > Email Templates > Device Enrollment > Edit

Great, that is awesome. Thanks everyone!

Those Email template only change the contents of the email as in Subject and Body. There is no other branding option yet like Logos and sent from/reply to etc.

Hello @ymi ,

Thank you for your feedback.

We have escalated your request and we will get back to you as we have a resolution.

Hello @ymi ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested (whitelabel/branded agent) is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on December 29th.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

That is good news but just to confirm that the release date is December 19th 2016?

Hello @ymi

That would be Q3/Q4 of 2016, yes.


About the feature that you have requested (Whitelabel/ branded agent for C1), we have been informed that it was pushed to Q2 2017.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

I am still waiting on this. Do you have an exact date this will be implimented? It is now Q2 and I have not seen anything on this yet.

Just to echo what I posted on your other post:
Indeed, the ‘whitelabeling’ feature was slated for Q2 2017 but the developers have decided to delay the implementation to Q4 2017. This is due to the developers’ focus on other feature requests that they deemed of higher priority.

Can we confirm that this Whitelabel feature is available before the end of 2017?
(after the original request from January 2016)

Hi @ymi
Due to the important stability updates that was implemented in the past few months, the whitelabeling feature for the C1 platform has been moved to Q2 2018