CWatch Web

Is this also part of the one MSP Suite…

Hello @rockowwc ,

Yes, please visit our helpguide for more C1 products information.


The cwatch that is in one.comodo… Is this a managed version with SOC coverage?


@rockowwc ,

Feel free to reach our CWatch team @ so we can have your queries addressed.

Hi @rockowwc

cWatch Web is a different product from cWatch Network.
cWath Web is not part of the MSP suite.

If you explain what is your need or what do you expect from cWatch Web you may ask.
More information on what is cwatch web and what it does can be found here:


cWatch has many branches just like all Comodo brands making it very difficult to work out what is what…

cWatch Web
Based all around the concept and protection of providing clean and secure websites.
This is very well documented and has a dedicated web page

cWatch Network
The original set of products that came out for cWatch I believe based around having a couple probes located in your business networks listing to network packets on your switches in a method known as packet sniffing. To do this you need layer 2 switches and above that support port mirroring so you can copy all traffic to the probes for analysis.

I’m currently trying to get more information on cWatch Network as well as pricing… So far this is a mammoth task!

In fact cWatch Web is not part of MSP Suite. But you can evaluate cWatch Network within Comodo One portal. cWatch Netwrok is a SIEM platform and its price is based on log volume per day. If you need Managed Detection service, we have another service within SoC coverage, you may contact me ( directly and we can discuss it in detail. In order to find out the exact price of the service, we need to analyze your requirements.

Hi @ahmete

I’m just reading some information from our account manager at the moment and will be able to feed some information back to all soon; but I’ll drop you a line as well as it will be good to discuss this further.
