Decommissioning (End of Life) Process of Old Patch Management

Hi everyone,

We would like to inform you that with October release we are removing old Patch Management from C1 Store. Decommission the old Patch Management for Windows devices will be completed in 30 days by the end of 20th of November. Please ensure that you enroll all of your devices into ITSM in order to keep them patched with ITSM Patch Management. In order to help your way to move your devices ITSM, we have prepared following wiki guides. Here you can see them:…tch-management

ITSM Patch Management has helped our customers to install hundreds of thousands of patches only in last month. It has already great set of features and we will continue to improve those features even more with many other features in the following releases of Comodo ONE.

If you have any difficulties with ITSM patch management, you can always reach us through forum and

Best regards,
Comodo ONE Product Management


As it was stated, we have started the decommisionning process of Old Patch Management for Windows devices, we are continuing to update the devices and this will take almost a week to disband all devices from portal. You can still use the following script to remove the old patch management agents from your side:…nagement-agent

We want to once again mention that old Patch Management will be available for accounts who have already provisioned it through ITSM for Linux and MacOS devices.

Best regards,
Comodo ONE Product Management