Device List - Custom Column Headings

Hi Comodo,

Can I request a feature whereby the top column headings are able to be customised by my own preference?

In my particular instance, I want to remove ‘OWNER’ and replace it with ‘LOGGED USER’ and then be able to search for that computer the user is using.

I want my Helpdesk team to be more efficient by being able to search for the user who has called in, and then ask the questions rather than the other way around.

Also, If I set the filter to my preferences such as ONLINE, then click into a device. I want the filter to remain applied until I clear it. I am having to return to the device list, enter my sub folder (again Comodo doesn’t remember this) and re-apply my filter.

Many thanks

Hi @blade-hd01 ,

We appreciate the recommendation. We will have the team look into this as a feature request.

We will also send you an email for any update.

@blade-hd01 ,

Our Developers are already working on this feature to be visible on production environment possibly Q4 2018. We’ll make sure to provide any updates concerning this feature

This is a show stopper for us. Need to search for device/computers by the user name that last used the machine.

Hi @BillyBob66, this suggestion to add the logged in user under the Device’s Name in the Device List view currently shows on the road-map with the following implementation timeline: Long-Term (more than 12 months). We will contact you as soon as this timeline becomes more accurate. Thank you for your patience.

It is more than 3 years, is it possible to have Custom Column Headings as asked for quite a few people, it is very important to see or to sort by many other types of information.
So please Itarian staff give us an update to this issue.

Hello @Zolitron ,

We are working on a fully customizable device list and we are doing our best to be able to deliver you an easier and more user-friendly inventory management. According to our current plans, we are looking forward to complete this feature on 2021 Q2.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,

Status of this? I think Q2 of 2021 is a little bit past…
In other news, everything else is just about good.
