Device List

It would be helpful for MSP’s who manage many different customers if there was a way to navigate back to the specific customers device list once you have entered into a specific device. Currently, once you have entered into the details of a specific device, there is no way back to the list of devices for that customer (unless you use the browser back arrow). Even the breadcrumb navigation line switches and doesn’t show the customer once you enter device. Maybe just at the top of the page displaying the device details add the customer’s name above the content area and hyperlink it. I understand the breadcrumb line can get long, but this may offer a way to enable us to go back to the customer we are working on within having to start back at the entry device list screen.

I know as an MSP, I generally work on a client basis more often then looking at all our managed endpoints as a whole. I can not manage every customer the same way, especially with patching. This would make navigating and completing our task much easier and less stressful.

Thoughts? Seems like a logical and easy fix.

Hello @rmorton
We thank you for your suggestion, This feature is already in the works and is planned to be implemented within Q3 2018. We will go ahead and looped you in to the feature request ticket so we can inform you of any updates from the Product Development team.