Devices Screen

  1. The help mentions “Manage Companies” button, but it doesn’t exist.
  2. Running a Procedure/Job creates an “Inbound” Session that remains established even after the procedure/job completes.
  1. I found that you must now manage companies from the web-based portal here: (under “Management”).


  1. Yes, you can create companies from Comodo ONE Portal and it would be synced through RMM, Service Desk and Patch Management modules. (

  2. I am not sure what do you mean with “remains established” but yes, it works as remote session to run the procedure.

Best regards,

I mean that the session will not close after the job/procedure finishes. This is confusing for two reasons:

  1. It’s marked as “Inbound” session as if it’s initiated by the customer.
  2. Seeing it under the Sessions screen is confusing since one assumes that those are ones that have ongoing interaction/investigation rather than a 1-time procedure/job that is expected to run in the background. This means that we have to close these sessions manually, which is an unnecessary overhead.

Another suggestion for the Devices screen is to show the date & time a device has last sent a heartbeat to the server instead of just showing Unavailable. This will help identify devices with connection issues or dead devices.

Agreed with both of the suggestions.