[DFW] Having multiple interfaces for a single zone


I just got started with the dome firewall (free edition). At first: Thanks a lot… I am used to Sophos UTM and Microsoft TMG and even if the comodo firewall is not (yet) as powerfull as these solutions I find it very good if you do not need all the extra stuff you pay for elsewhere. Setting up Azure Site2Site was very easy.

Anyway: I have a problem: I have 4 Interfaces:

  • Clients (Zone: Wifi)
  • Server (Zone: LAN)
  • Internet
  • Domain Controller (Zone: LAN).
My problem is: The the firewall is not responding on the Domain Controller Interface... only when I switch the zone on the Interface to DMZ it starts working.

Is there any way to solve this or a special way of using the firewall that it supports my use case?

I would appreciate more zones or custom zones. Or is there a way to setup new zones?

Hello @Weatherlights,

We don’t have the information available off-hand but we’ll get them for you and provide you with an update as soon as we can.

Thank you.

Any updates so far? :slight_smile:

Hello @Weatherlights,

We apologize for the inconvenience and we have already alerted our development team regarding on this matter. We’ll get back with you the soonest as soon as updates are available.
Thank you and we appreciate your patience on this matter.

Hello @Weatherlights,

We have sent an email for the above mentioned issue. Kindly respond to the email as the information we require is private.

Thank you.

@Weatherlights Our Development Team would like to provide an update. Hyper-v support has been tested and released on latest version 2.5.1.