Difference between cdome.exe and csheild.exe ?

I’m wondering if there’s two different products here and I’m getting two different behaviors after installation.

Logging into the Comodo One platform, and under device management, I ran a script to install Comodo Dome Shield agent on a machine (by running the procedure “Enroll Comodo Dome Sheild Roaming Agent”). By running the script, it installs CDOME agent and I can see the service running on the machine as CDome.exe. This does NOT show up in my comodo dome portal as a list of roaming agents and it does not show as an item “protected and encrypted” as an icon in the notification area. ((to be clear, I already have the org etc setup and other agents showing up in the Comodo Dome portal).

However, if I download the agent from the org within comodo dome and install directly, it installs something else that runs as a service called “cShield.exe” and DOES show up in my Dome portal and under the notification area as an icon.

Should I just ditch the idea of installing Comodo Dome via procedure? Is it a bug or a different product?



Hi @ktaylor

personally we have not done a mass deployment of the client as we do AD DNS forwarding or firewall DNS to Dome Shield DNS meaning all devices on the site are covered. We have used the agent a couple but have only ever used the direct download.

Good spot on difference, I look forward to knowing the answer too

I believe one is just for the DNS service (Cdome) and the Csheild is when you enable VPN and encryption on the roaming device.

hi Ken,

If you want to distribute Dome Shield’s Agent, following would be the easiest method :

  • Open Shield Portal and go to Configure > Roaming Devices
  • Click Download Agent, and hit "Get ITSM Agent Download Link"
  • Then get the script in following link : https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/enroll-comodo-dome-shield-roaming-agent
  • Run the Procedure via ITSM.
This will help you mass distribute Dome Shield's Roaming Agent.

Based on your network scenario, you can take a look into Local DNS Resolver VA’s as well. That helps you create internal IP/subnet based rules.

hi Ken,

Can you please share the link to the script you used in your case ?

For Dome Secure Web Gateway’s Dome Agent please use following: https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/…standard-agent
and for Dome Shield’s Roaming Agent please use following: https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/…-roaming-agent

It’s the one found in ITSM: procedure “Enroll Comodo Dome Sheild Roaming Agent” Now Cdome won’t uninstall, it’s asking for a password. The machine is running both agents now :frowning:

Hello @ktaylor,

Here is the default Dome SWG uninstall password: Comodo360!

Please use that and then re run the script that Bulut sent on the comment above.

Thank you.

@ktaylor ,

cdome.exe(SWG) and cshield.exe(Shield) are different products. We apologize if this created some confusion. Our Development and Scripts Team are currently making corrections on this report.