Disjointed Bunch of packages with little integration

Am I the only person that finds this to be nothing more than a disjointed series of packaged jammed together to try and convince people that it does everything.
There is no easy workflow and as near as I can configure it would just make more work for a small msp to use this package…

Tickets requiring being turned into quotes to invoice one at a time?
Contracts seem to be just about impossible to invoice…
CRM does not seem to connect to anything…

There is no clear explanation of how contracts work or bill, how each work type is identified…
Or how you can report on the value clients get from a contract…

Hi @rockowwc
The Comodo ONE (C1) platform is offered to any MSP (inc. Enterprise) who is willing to test (and eventually utilize) it for their business. An MSP is not forced to use every available module in the platform. The MSP can use whichever is needed to accomplish their goal as they see fit.

If you want to learn more, we strongly suggest signing up for a personalized demo of the C1 platform.

As a valued MSP partner, we will provide you your own dedicated Product Engineer who will give you a personalized demo of the C1 platform so that you can become familiar with all of its capabilities and get started quickly. Our mission is to make you a Comodo One Guru and educate you on all of its functionalities.

Please request your free demo via the link below and you will be contacted by your dedicated Product Engineer within 24 hours. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.


There is a very good path and work flow for all this, and new documents and training for this is on the way.

With CRM this has not been touched in a long time and is very disjointed at present.

I view Comodo as a way to get started with MSP software at a price point that only increases as your business increases. Their pricing model and monthly delivery schedule sets them apart from other MSP / RMM vendors. As a business just getting started, I appreciate this. Do I wish they had more features? Do I wish their offerings were more polished? Sure! Do I want to spend $100’s per month with no guarantee that I will make a profit using the tool? NO! I am willing to be patient and use the tools they provide and partner with them rather than be treated like dirt by some software vendors who don’t want to talk to you unless you are a large company with $500,000+ in revenue each year. If you take advantage of their support team, I think you will find they can help you understand how to use the software and which software modules work for you.

Being Free is not a excuse for making things harder and more manual…Do not promote yourself as an MSP suite when your just a hack together of products, the CRM is a very badly done add on with bugger all ties to any other part… They really need to go back and revisit their entire premise… Either become a supplier of MSP infrastructure or find another way of marketing the shit you make money on…

The core of any good PSA is Ticketing, Contracts and Billing. The fact that it takes such a convoluted path to invoice tickets is completely the opposite of what a good PSA should do.
I have trialed nearly every PSA that you can, a lot fall short on contracts, even syncro which has a more manual process where you have to select to charge each time entry on a ticket before your invoice from the ticket itself… But they still allow you to invoice tickets in a group rather than individual and support automated recurring invoice runs that will invoice your contracts and/or grab any outstanding charges to invoice together… Their Quickbooks integration falls short as payments are not brought back into the system…

BMS from Kaseya at $25/user/month does the best job from what I have found, Tickets are worked, either manually or auto billed through workflows. The Quickbooks syncs both ways, so my solution for payments including auto billing will work. Its not perfect as each different type of charge needs to be posted and then invoiced, but the workflows can take care of that

A PSA is meant to reduce your workload in these areas, not make it more convoluted and manual. If your happy to save a few dollars and lose time better spent growing your business on making up for the massive shortfalls on a poorly conceived marketing idea, knock yourself out.

It’s a shame really, they would have been better off concentrating on the RMM which is quite nice and has a great security toolkit to market, they should have just focused on integrating into a third party quality PSA rather than this dogs breakfast they ended up with.

Hi @rockowwc

we here at the community are sorry to hear your bad experience; but from company that have used many other systems and now fully use Comodo C1 MSP only we have managed to save a lot more than a few £$ a month while not doing much more or anymore manual work at all.

If you look at the C1 platform, please ignore the CRM section at the moment as this needs a lot of work and has not been touched in a while due to massive improvements and work on the main modules which are: -

  • C1 Portal (Or PSA as you and many MSPs would call it)
  • Service Desk (SD)
  • IT and Security Manager (ITSM)
  • Quote Manager (CQM)
  • Dome Shield
If you take the main parts which are ITSM, SD & CQM they all integration well (not perfectly) allowing you to service customer job, quotes, security and management. As time goes on and help from the community it is improving and very fast!

Some of the problems with contracts and bill have huge improvements coming this month just after the 5th of May, so hopefully you might have more answers and better experience then. If you do still have issues please post your ideas here and I’ll review them, clean them up and take them to the development team for you and see what they come back with on initial view.

C1 is not perfect, but the team at Comodo work very hard and have turned around an amazing platform for us all to use, and with our help we can beat any paid product out there.


@rockowwc The anti virus is the product you may for and is probably the most secure out there - most free products are improving massively with each release. Robin @StrobeTech is working extensively as an MSP who uses the products to help Comodo develop the products.

Definitely t​​​​ake @Rick_C 's offer of a demo and training to help you understand the Comodo One solution better.

Hi @rockowwc

First of all, thank you for being part of the community and posting here to improve our product for everyone. We welcome all inputs and we have no doubt that we will make things better with everyone’s contribution.

I will email you to discuss your inputs in more detail. I believe, on some of them you might be missing some details, on some of them we already working on; and some needs more works that we can discuss together and design.

Hope to talk with you soon.

As an agile evangelist and new member of the community I’m excited about the platform’s potential. I’m starting an MSSP, I have one client, and this platform is a great fit for my current level of workflow and process maturity. I basically have neither. So being in startup mode this platform will work fine.

I’ll evolve my workflow and processes as the product evolves. A strong community will help the product manager know what we feel are the higher value features so they rise in the backlog.

The pricing model works for me as well. My business model is focused on cyber risk assessments and information security program development and management. This offering, solid services, and price model will complement my consulting services and help with maintaining compliance. This my take away.

Hi @obotis

Your take on the platform is perfect!
We all know the system is young and improving all the time, but with help and direction from the community it will be the best!

Totally agree, we are always here to support you and deliver whatever is necessary!

We are aware that we don’t know your business any better than you. However, we can code and deliver amazing things. Just let us know how it should be working and consider it done :slight_smile:
