Documentation Module

It would be nice to have a documentation module, something like IT Glue

Thank you for the suggestion @gscoder. There is no dedicated ‘documentation module’ yet in the C1 / ITarian platform. The product development team has already reviewed a previous request to integrate IT Glue and, for now, it is part of the product roadmap’s long-term implementation timeline.

Any way to build in something like IT Glue but not pay for it? IT GLue is very expensive

Hi @gscoder
Aside from the possible integration of third-party documentation system, the product development team has a plan to add a ‘document management system’ within the C1 / ITarian platform. It is currently listed in the the long-term implementation timeline of the product roadmap.

Use SI Portal instead of ITGlue.
It is much cheaper and does so much more.

It is also on the list to be linked to ITarian at some point.

Would rather have something native

Hello @gscoder,

We have added your email to the loop of this feature request about ITGlue integration in order to keep you updated.

Thank you for your support.

Any news on this? I would love a module like this.


Hello @Noiden ,

This feature request is still under development. We will notify you once the roadmap is available for delivery.