Dome Shield 2.0: Gold & Platinum!

Hi Everybody,

We are happy to announce global availability of Dome Shield 2.0. This release includes major changes in packaging, along with various improvements and fixes. This post communicates all the major changes in Dome Shield 2.0. All previous versions are updated to Dome Shield 2.0 with no service interruptions.

New Licensing!

  • Dome Shield will now have 2 packages: Dome Shield GOLD and Dome Shield PLATINUM.
    • Dome Shield GOLD (FREE): Dome Shield GOLD will provide all Dome Shield Features for free and up to 300.000 DNS Requests* per month** excluding Dome Shield Local Resolver Virtual Appliances.
      • IMPORTANT NOTE: Existing Dome Shield Free Packages are updated to Dome Shield Gold. Once the monthly limit -300.000 DNS Requests- is reached, DNS traffic will NOT be interrupted, Policies will STILL be applied and existing Policies will STILL be edittable. But, users will NOT be able to create new objects and policies.
      • *: Only external DNS requests will be counted. DNS requests sent to Comodo related services will NOT be counted within the limit.
      • **:Limit is calculated in monhtly basis. If you pass the limit you will only be blocked to create new objects and policies till the end of the month which you passed the limit. Next month the counter will start from scratch, not from 300.000.
    • Dome Shield PLATINUM: Dome Shield Platinum will have no monthly limit and offers premium features including:
      • Internal IP, Subnet, IP Block and Site Based Policies
      • Internal IP Based Visibility & Monitoring
      • Company-wide DNS Traffic Encryption
      • Install Dome Shield Virtual Appliances for your Sites
      • Bypass Internal Domains to your own DNS Servers (e.g Active Directory DCs, internal applications)
      • Control DNS Egress points of your networks by Sites and DNS Servers.
In order to get 1 Month Trial of Dome Shield Platinum, open your Comodo One Account and go to Store > Dome Shield Platinum and hit Free.

What’s New and Improved ?

  • Accounts Menu: By navigating to Accounts menu from Dome Shield UI, users will be able to track their license status, view total number of monthly DNS requests and how much left from Free Limit and will be able to get 1 Month Trial or Upgrade to Dome Shield Platinum.
  • Quick Setup Wizard: This wizard will help you setup your Dome Shield completely under 2 minutes with 3 simple steps. Just hit Setup Wizard from navigation bar and follow the easy steps.
  • New How-to Guide: Helper inside Dome Shield is updated to guide you through setting up Dome Shield to any type of network and combination of objects. Just hit How-to from navigation bar and select the deployment type you need, follow easy steps and complete even the most complex deployment strategy with no external help.
  • New DNS Nodes: New servers are launched in US West Coast and Europe to improve DNS Performance.
  • Speed Improvement: Dome Shield DNS's resolution speed is improved by at least 20% in US and EU zones.
Feel free to check attached Release Notes for further information.

DomeShieldReleaseNote-2.0.pdf (642 KB)

Hi, Cant login to Dome Shield

We also experienced the same thing on our side, @Marveltec. We have reported this to the appropriate team so that we can have it up as soon as possible.

Hi @Marveltec ,

Could you please try to login again? You might have tried to login during the deployment of Dome Shield 2.0. Also, please share your username so that we can also investigate the issue.