Dome SWG 2.20 Release Announcement

Hi Everybody,

We are happy to announce global availability of Dome SWG 2.20 and all previous versions are updated to the latest version with no issues or service interruptions.

What’s New ?

  • Computer Based Rules: Dome SWG now can be used by companies with no Active Directory for creating Computer Based rules in your Work Group. Moreover, you can combine Computer Based Rules with AD to create Computer/User/Group/Department and Location based Web Access and Web Security Rules.
  • Speed Boost: Dome SWG Agent has seen many improvements leading to over 80% web browsing speed increase, decreasing latency to under milliseconds, providing a transparent web access experience to users.
  • PAC based Exception: Now using the Dome SWG interface you can add IP/Domain/URLs into PAC exclusion lists.
Feel free to check the attached Release Notes for further information.

Moreover, we have added 10 new videos about Dome SWG into Wiki! Click here to learn how to better setup your Dome Secure Web Gateway Proxy under couple of minutes.

Looking for more info about Dome Secure Web Gateway and other Dome Products ? Feel free to check our website at Endpoint Detection and Response, Free - What is EDR Security?

Dome-SWG-ReleaseNotes-2.20.pdf (154 KB)