Down Again ????
page not working, CRC not connecting !!!??


Hello @dittoit,

Thank you for letting us know on the other hand
we are aware of the situation and we are working very hard to resolve this as quickly as possible


We really need a “status” page, this would stop lots of double posting and time wasting :slight_smile:

Backup Up.

Hello @dittoit ,

Thank you, yes its now up and running.


It seems like the portal has become less stable since I signed our enterprise up for the paid service. This is the opposite of what I was hoping and expecting from the premium. @melih @Ilker help us!!!

@Ilker has previously confirmed this is in the pipeline.

We really need a “status” page, this would stop lots of double posting and time wasting :slight_smile:

+1 on that one! :smiley:

@nct @Noiden @MTekhna

It is indeed on roadmap

ITSM and CRC, not connecting?

Hi @dittoit Thank you for informing us, we were already aware of the reported issues and our development team is already working on fixing the issue. We will inform you as soon as it is up and running.

Hi @dittoit Our developers informed us that it is fixed, can you confirm that it is working?

What is the update concerning this outage? It seems to be continuing. What else is being affected? Service desk seems to be impacted as well.

@The_Silverback ,

The Service Desk module had been fixed as well. We are still in progress of resolving the Patch Management Module load.

I have been speaking to the team a lot about this and.I have heard the plan over the next few releases is to do small changes but mainly bug fix and stability improvements.