Dozens of feature requests "rescheduled" to farther away.

In the last few days, I’ve received over a dozen emails about some feature request being postponed until 2019 or 2020. Is there a reason behind this?

The last one I got was from a “+1” I gave in Jan2016 and the feature that was requested is being bumped to Q2 2020. Four years to add a link to a page seems pretty long.

Hi @PromptCare

Yes, we are re-evaluating the feature queue with their relative priorities. We get a lot of new ideas and suggestions (Thank you all for these! We really appreciate it and whole community benefits from them.)

While most of your requests on modules, other than ITSM, could be delivered in 2018, we can’t deliver all for ITSM in the same time-frame. We have very high number of new requests especially on ITSM module. So, we decided to take a few actions:

  • We are increasing our team capacity to increase the future delivery speed. However, this is a long process (recruitment, training, etc..) and we will update our estimations when we start seeing the effects of this initiative.
  • We started the vote capability and we start building the wish list on there as well. ( ). We will advance the delivery dates for the futures with top votes. So, these communicated dates could still change with your votes. Please vote for the features that matters to you most and you want first.
Best regards, Ilker

ANother thing to keep in mind, is that the team is also working on stability. I have a fear that if we keep pushing too many new requests through the team, that stability will suffer, Especially if the team expands too big, and too much gets done at once. I like the software, and there are some stuff that needs added, but to me stability is the number one requirement, as I can not do my job if the software is not working. Keep up the good work guys, and remember, we want new features, but need a solid stable product to depend on…

Can posts that have been actioned be a) marked a such by Comodo so the OP and followers receive a notification and then b) archived from the forum to reduce clutter? For example, there was a forum post requesting filtering in the CRC by group and/or customer. This has been implemented but there was no post to that effect against the original requesting post.

Hello @amcssit ,

Thank you for providing us that suggestion and we really appreciate it.
Apparently, when a feature/issue was successfully released/resolved we will notify all users following the thread both on email and on the original post itself.
Going back, we will forward the suggestion to the proper department for further analysis.
