Encryption and patch management for Mac


Is Patch management and Encryption capability available in ITSM for Apple Mac machines ? via CCS or MDM device management? please let me know.

@nikki ,

Patch management for Mac is projected for release this Q2 2018 and for mobile will be in Q4 2018
as for the other queries for managing updates. We’ll coordinate with our Product Developers for any roadmap visibility of these functionalities. We’ll keep you posted

@Jimmy how about encryption? can we use Comodo to enable encryption (file vault) on the Mac?

@nikki ,

That is a very good insight. Are we looking at Macs only? As of the moment, C1 does not have the capability yet of encryption. We can suggest the idea to our Product Development Team. We will communicate with you via support email for additional details.

Thank you! hmmm…I know could expand this to other devices…but yes, I was looking at Macs only since it can use MDM features as well.

@nikki ,

That’s great. We have forwarded your suggestion to our Development team who’ll make an analysis of the functionality and provide us an update once the feature comes to fruition

Any update on this?

HI @libretech
We don’t have any feedback yet from the developers about this specific feature request. We will go ahead and include you in the ticket so that we can inform you of any updates once we get word from the team.