Error: Unable to sign in. Connection Error

Hello @BOSS ,

The RMM service should be up and running now, we haven’t received any complaints about it in the last few hours.
Please let us know if you notice anything wrong.

Hello @BOSS ,

The case has been escalated and we will get back to you as soon as we have a resolution. Thank you for your patience!

@Nick It seems to be working now??? I will be using it later today or tonight, so I will let you know if I have any other issues, thanks guys for your prompt replies and work on this platform. I may get a little frustrated, but I do like the platform and expect to keep using, and helping better the product.

@BOSS we have 24/7/365 telephone numbers to help you with all your needs with the platform too.

Offline again. Was disconnected from two remote sessions and kicked out of the software at about 12:15pm EST.

Hello @cwh-it ,

We have checked on a few test accounts and everything seems to be working properly.
Please let us know if the issue persists.

@Dylan It seems to be back online again. I attempted to log in from two different internet connections before I posted that message.

The main problem I am seeing, with remote access, at this point is 50% of my agents are offline. I know they are online, but they show as unavailable in my admin console. I have been able to reboot some through patch management and they come back online, but again this morning, almost exactly half are unavailable…

Hello @BOSS ,

The RMM platform underwent a scheduled maintenance. In order for the devices to become available, please restart the endpoints and they should become online.

I can no longer log in at all now, I get a server database error.

OK, it let me log back in now, thanks for the assistance in this matter!!

@Larry_NSIT whether it is free or not is irrelevant, I know all the RMM Big dogs, but I use a lot of free software that is very reliable. I feel if they are releasing the software, and not in an alfa or beta, and even a RC state, it should be reliable and stable, as it is geared towards business models like ours. I use other comodo products, just for the fact that they integrate into my one platform. I do need a reliable system, and expect a released system to do the job it is intended, no matter the price, free or not.

I am back to not being able to log in, with this error.

Hello @BOSS ,

Could you please let us know what is the error that you receive an where exactly are you trying to log in?

It kicked me out of the Admin console, said connection error. It has since let me in, and it seems OK at this point.

It could have been just a glitch. If you you encounter this issue again, please let us know.

Yes sir, thanks.