Executive report generation for service desk empty

I’ve tried to generate reports for service desk from C1 homepage (executive report). It comes as empty. Does anyone else have this issue? There are a some open and closed tickets i expect to populate on the report.

@chales ,

It is unfortunate that this issue has delayed some task that you want to achieve. Is this the first time you tried generating a ticket summary report? Just to be sure we are not missing any items please review this help guide for generating reports. https://help.comodo.com/topic-289-1-716-11180-Reports.html

I’ve just tried this again…we have some tickets both open and closed. Yet in the report, it’s showing all zeroes.

Hi @chales ,

We have created a support ticket regarding the concern.
We`ll get in touch with you shortly thru email.

Thank you.

Hi @chales, in order to relate tickets with an organization, users of the tickets should be edited on Staff Panel - User Directory, and their organizations should be specified.

Also, @chales kindly check on the ticket that was created for this issue, as our developers has provided their findings.
