Exporting a Profile configuration file to read as text?

Is there any way to export/save/convert a profile configuration file so that we can analyze via text application or print out? We’re trying to compare two different profiles to the defaults and would like to save the time and potential human error, of having to click through all the tabs and subsections via the interface. We’re ultimately trying to consolidate and simplify previous profile configurations into as few as possible moving forward.


@RSnumssp ,

We will consult our Product Development Team regarding your request. As of now, the profile configurations can only be exported and imported with the same file type. We will provide you an email notification of what would be the output of the discussion.

Hi @RSnumssp, you can export security configuration from security client. Configuration will be exported in xml file and uploaded to portal in ‘Exported Configurations’ tab.

Currently, there is no way to export ITSM profile in readable file.