Feature Request - add option to mark all notifications as read

When you don’t review the notifications daily they sometimes add up. We work on email alerts and don’t always login to the portal to review and manage alerts until we get back to the office. It would be nice to have an option to bulk mark all as read or view more than just 10 at a time.

This is already possible. It can be done when in the C1 dashboard. There is a "Mark all as read ".

@dittoit I thought I remembered there being one however I don’t see it now.

In ITSM, hit the “bell” top right, bottom “see all notifications” there you can “Delete Notification(s)”

How do you mark over 1400 notifications as read? Surely not 10 at a time…?

Hello @michael2, @Phil_Eclipse ,

Thank you very much for providing us this suggestion.
Your input is important to us as it will help to improve the usefulness of C1 for the entire users’ community.
The improvement request is currently shows in the roadmap and planned to be implemented in 2018Q2.
We will update you here and through email for any progress it might have.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind Regards,