Feature Request for Project Templates

Are there any plans to implement project templates? I definitely want to utilize the project management feature more but I do a lot of the same projects over and over and it’s time consuming to re-write the steps every time. For example, I use the same templates for onboarding a new client, replacing routers and switches, replacing servers, migrating to Office 365, monthly patching/reporting, etc. It would be hugely beneficial to just keep a template up to date and deploy it each time.

Big Block

Hello @bigblock,

Your suggestion for “SD feature request - possibility to create Project Templates” currently shows on the road-map for implementation in 2018-Q3.

Thank you for your patience.

@Anna_C , thank you for the response. Where is that roadmap located? I must be overlooking it.

Big Block

Hello @bigblock,

Don’t you worry you did not miss it here in the forums as the product roadmap is not available publicly. You can check (and even submit) though features that C1 users want to see implemented on the platform. Please do visit the ‘Feature Voting’ portal here.