FEATURE REQUEST - Generate 'Add Device' join up code download link on current page

In ITSM when you try and add a new device to a customer or site it currently emails the link download to the email address on file for the customer.

Sometimes I find that the email seems to take ages to come through (not sure if it is my email or another issue?) but what would be good is if the download links could load up on the screen where you select the ‘Enroll Device’ Button.

This would be similar to how you can add devices from the RMM administrative view where you can generate the download link within the program.

Hello @matthell ,

The new version of ITSM that was released on Saturday provides to ways of enrolling a Windows devices beside the email enrollment:

Please let us know if this is what you are looking for.

Hi @Nick

I’ve used the link “Show Enrollment Instructions” works really well and like @matthell it helps for when the mails take a while to come through

Hi @Nick yes that is exactly what I was looking for! I did some work Friday where I thought it would be a really good feature but it looks like you beat me to it! Many thanks.