FEATURE REQUEST - Invoice Billing

In CRM I would like to see the option for a client to pay their invoices directly through the invoice perhaps through integrations with companies such as Stripe or Square or through Comodo’s own solution. That way I can have all my stuff in one location. As of right now I don’t utilize the Invoice option in CRM because my clients can’t pay their invoices through there, so instead I send them invoices through Square so that they can simply click the link in the invoice to be taken to a page where they can pay their invoices online, making it much simpler for them.

I second this. It really closes the loop on a lot of things… I assume vTiger/Comodo CRM isn’t a full-fledged accounting system (or maybe it is?) and doesn’t have a Quickbooks export (or maybe it does?) but either way, supporting Stripe would be awesom. Keep in mind Comodo, you could probably work a deal with Stripe for a cut - there are web based free accounting programs like WaveApps where this is their business model (give away the accounting software but collect a cut of the credit card fees). A good way to additionally monetize this (and guys, you deserve it, this is one awesome platform).

We have forwarded your feature request to our development team and we will let you know once this feature becomes available.
I have also sent you an email to keep better track of your request.

Thank you for your feedback.

Hi @indieserve @flmsp

Do you think you wouldn’t need any other accounting service (like Quickbooks) if we integrate with one of these payment services over CRM?

Could you please help me understand more about the need and use case with an example, if possible?


Hmmm… I think at the end of the day everyone will still need something like quickbooks. But if CRM can handle invoicing and payment, and that can be exported to quickbooks (maybe along with purchase orders if using CRM for that), that would be helpful. Or you could add expenses along with purchase orders, sales tax reporting, A/R etc… but wow, that’s a lot of work unless there are already vtiger modules you can insert for that.

Hi @indieserve,

We appreciate the input and suggestions. We’ll have the team look into these.

We have also updated your ticket regarding this feature request.

Thank you for the feedback.