Feature Request: MDM Improvements

Currently, to enroll an iOS device, you need to send a link to the customer, get the link to the device, open the link in the browser on the to download the configuration profile, install the configuration profile, install the app, then run the after install “app”.

I feel the process for enrolling a mobile device could be much simpler by making a few tweaks.

Start by installing the Endpoint Manager MDM Client app. Then, using the app, scan a QR code from the dashboard to download and install the desired management profile. Once installed, go back to the app to finish applying the policy and automatically push installation of required apps.

In addition, build in the ability to send the profile installation link via sms directly to a device from the dashboard.

@Wisecompany ,

We thank you for making your improvement request visible to our forum community. Rest assured that this request had been made visible to our Product Team for analysis and we’ll make sure to notify you of their progress on this request.

We appreciate the added suggestions.@Wisecompany We’’ make sure to take note of it.

For the functionality " be able to link apps to specific profiles" we would like to know if this is any similar to this previous request?