FEATURE REQUEST - Notes section for devices in portal

Hello, please consider adding a feature to store notes about assets. At the minimum, we could enter brief details about the device, like "System runs low on RAM but customer does not want to upgrade. Reboot always solves the issue temporarily. " etc …
On an expanded level, fields of information could be added such as SMTP Configuration, Network Shares, Video card model, version, configuration (AutoCad). A mini asset database that would compliment the information already collected by ITSM

Hello @Rickkee ,

We have contacted you by email for additional information. Looking forward to your reply there.

+1 for custom notes on assets, I think even a text box that could have anything added into it would be a good start

Hello @dougaust

We have forwarded your interest for your request as well. We will keep you updated as soon as we have any information.

Hello @Rickkee and @dougaust,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on Q1 2017.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

Thanks, that will be great

Hi, Any update on this? It would be really great feature?

Note as per this thread are desperately needed along with a secure vault for passwords as there is in Solar Winds Take Control http://help.solarwinds.com/MSPA/documentation/Content/Password%20secrets%20vault.htm

Note as per this thread are desperately needed along with a secure vault for passwords as there is in Solar Winds Take Control

@Rickkee , ,@dougaust , @nct

Our Development Team had been working on this kind of added feature. Currently still on a mid-term pipeline project. We will provide an update once they have provided a narrower timeline on this request had been announced.

Hi, any update on this? It’s really a needed feature

@MichaelCudjoe ,

Our Product team hadn’t announced any implementation date of this type of functionality. We’ll add you on this request and update you once made available.