Feature Request: Remote Control - Signed-in User info

It would be extremely useful if the RC app showed the name of the EU signed-in to the device. With generic EP names, one often has to go back to the ITSM portal to hunt for the EU. It would be so much easier to be able to do this from within the app - or at least have their names displayed next to the device.

Also, if this can be implemented, please, please, please make the field be able to display at least 20 to 25 characters. (Limits: NetBIOS =15, ADU = 20).

Side-note: Column width in ITSM needs to be increased for this, and there is plenty of room. Other columns were recently revised; can this be added to the tweak list?

Still awaiting response…

This is already in our roadmap, it is currently mapped for 2021 Q4.

We will immediately add this FR into our roadmap. I will be informing about a possible delivery for this feature.

Best regards,

@ilgazy Thank you for the first one.

With regard to column width - this is hardly a new FR - and I would call it a tweak rather than an FR. The column width/spacing is just atrocious and this request must be one of the lightest requirements in terms of development.

Customizable columns, and similar, has also been an FR from way back:

@ilgazy @melih @StrobeTech

In fact, I had some time over the weekend - a rare occurrence - and started trolling back through the original FR forum sticky topic and came up with a list of FRs that don’t appear to have been implemented yet: I attach my summary (txt version of a csv file, as csvs can’t be uploaded).

C1-FR-List.txt (4.68 KB)

Hello @amcssit ,

Thank you for sharing the list. We will recheck and come up with possible release dates for each item.

Best regards,