FEATURE REQUEST - Set Default currency / delete US $ currency

Hi As the title - I would like to be able to set GBP as my default currency and simply delete the US $ currency as I won’t be needing this.

Currently I can add a number of different currencies under Settings menu then Currencies menu option but am unable to set which I would like to be the default. US $ stays at the top and it will not allow me to delete this.

I can’t even edit the US $ currency in order to disable it / change the Status.

Many thanks in advance!

Hello @matthell ,

Thank you for your suggestion. We have forwarded this as a feature request to our development team and we will keep you updated on this matter.

I agree, same issue here, I just need NZD as the default and wish to remove the USD. TIA

hello @graemethomas
Based on the product roadmap, the ability to define a default currency is currently scheduled for a Q1 2019 release. We will loop you in to the feature request ticket so we can update you of any significant updates from the team. Thank you for your continued support of the C1 platform.

Just wondering if this made the cut, or is still on the horizon.

Hello @SavageIT, the ability to change the default currency in CRM has been implemented. You may set the currency in “My Preferences” option. Please see attached screenshots below:

Please let us know if you still have any questions. Thank you for your support.
