File transfer large files

Hi… Seems there’s a limit on the file size that the Remote Control file transfer screen will allow to transfer. Really need it to be higher, maybe 500MB, if it has to have a limit at all.

OH also, I’d like a longer retry time out in the Remote Control tool so if the computer is restarting the session will stay alive long enough to reconnect on its own. Maybe 5 minutes?



Hi @invisikcorp,

Thanks for your request. We have sent you an email on your forum registered email address about this request. The product management team is aware of your request and is working to prioritize it with the others received and we have added you on the list of users to be notified once important updates are given regarding the implementation date.

Kind Regards,

Hi… was there any update on this? I saw a new version of the Remote Control app came through this week. but the limit is still 50MB. We have some other agent programs to install on client PC’s that are in the 70MB size and we have to manually download them because we can’t do the file transfer. It makes it really difficult and time consuming for us. Even if it could be raise to 100MB that would be super helpful…

Thanks again.


@invisikcorp We use a parametric script to download such files from our FTP server to selected devices and set the option to send an email once the procedure has completed. Very useful for multi-point deployments. (We have another one that also runs a silent install once the download has finished, but not all install packages allow it.)

There are a couple prebuilt procedures you can clone and modify to do what you need.
from downloading a file from a url to downloading and installing.

for large files I made use of

Procedures > Predefined procedures > File Operation > Download a file

I’m not sure if we can use “copy a file” for the same purpose as the variable lists C:\ but maybe someone else who has tested can say whether unc paths work or \Ipaddress\C$\ etc

It appears there is still a 50MB limit in place.

When will this be increased???

For a work around a script does work but not helpful when adhock copies needed.
By the time you upload and modify and deploy the script it is often not practical.

I have a fall back system with anydesk as part of my onboarding, no issues with large files even copy and paste iso without issues, and auto reconnect on restarts.
A few other remote tools are just as useful, I just prefer anydesk, and free is fine, or paid option is better.
It is not a RMM however.

Saves me more often than it should, but its just a supplement remote tool that I use with Itarian and some of the shortcomings.


Hello @rwgs

We apologize for the delay. We focused on improve our connection from Android in last sprint but increase file size limit feature is in our midterm roadmap. I will inform you about sprints of this feature. Thanks for your interest.

Best Regards,