File transfer

We are testing out the One platform.
Does the RMM not support file transfer?

No file transfer as yet.

No file transfer?
Wow. Wouldnt even guess that the app would be that behind.

No chat either?

@smartcloudwith my few months with Comodo they are security driven first but as more msps are showing interest they have been very active with their development of the msp products.

As I’m spending more time in the forums, I just wanted to comment on how receptive Comodo is to suggestions and improvements. Not to mention the level of activity and interaction in these forums. :slight_smile:

@ktaylor ,

We appreciate your feedback. Comodo has indeed come a long way of development and we will not stop in continuously progressing to benefit our MSP partners. Your contribution and suggestions helps us in refining our product which in turn aids all MSPs across. More things to come