Generating alert / Ticket for Security incident in Comodo Dome?

Hello, I’m wondering if there’s a way to generate a ticket within the Comodo One platform if the Comodo Dome see’s a security incident for an agent? I understand this would be under monitoring of some type. Does Comodo Dome write to the event viewer of the agent machine?

This would be very useful in being proactive with security and clients if an incident is noted.

Other types of alerts or ideas how to be alerted?

Hello @ktaylor,

We will collect information from our product team and provide you the best possible answer with regard to your queries.

Excellent idea, this is the first line of defence and early warnings are best.

hi ktaylor,

It’s a great idea.

We will implement an automated ticket system in Shield and other Dome modules, so once there is a Policy Violation or a recorded Security Incident, Dome systems will automatically input an Alert into Service Desk with all the necessary information you need to know. And you will be able to take further actions on the computer or network that is under risk.

this would become a great “Lead generation tool” for all the MSPs!!! Cdome Shield is free, give it to everyone including to your prospects…then based on alerts you can get in touch with your prospects and try to sell them to managed services contract.

More great ideas, I like where this is going!

I haven’t heard back on this, Did anyone write a custom script?

Hello @ktaylor, we have reached out to our product development team regarding on this case. We’ll notify you as soon as updates are available.

Thank you.