Global software inventory - add run procedure to the page

Global Software inventory is a big deal to most MSPs I think. At least for us.
I would request that you add a run procedure for the page.

I went and found 12 computers from multiple different companies with the Symantec AV client.
I want to run the removal script but can’t do it from that page.
I will have to select each one of them and run it that way.

I would be nice to be able to select all the devices then run a script against those devices.


Thank you for this suggestion @smartcloud. Your input is important to us as it will help improve the usefulness of the C1 platform for the entire community. We have submitted your request to our product development team where they will review it and determine where it will fit best on the product roadmap. You can expect to hear back from us through email in less than 10 business days with a time frame for the planned implementation.

Comodo is committed to your satisfaction and we, in C1 Support, will work with our product development team to ensure the best possible response.

Will the uninstall function uninstall all software or just whats in the portal apps?
If thats the case a way to run a script like the Symantec removal script would be helpful.

We frequently run into apps thats old and needs to be uninstalled from multiple computers.
Could be old AV or other MSP apps.
Just want a way to remove those applications using a few clicks.