GUI Ideas - How C1 Could be Structured

Hi All,

I have a brain wave the other day and had some ideas on how some of the systems in C1 could flow better with each other

Home Screen:

There are 4 main categories

Sales, Jobs, Services, Knowledge


This section is designed for administration/front desk staff to add information about new customers, send quotes and invoices and reports from, also it would be good if this is where licences are attached to a specific user with automatic invoices

Quotes will become either tickets or projects in Jobs


This is where the required work information is stored, there will be a Gantt chart type graph to show progress of current projects and current ticketing

Projects and tickets are attached to devices or services in the Services section

Each device has a control and procedures button or there is a list down the side that would apply to all the devices in the list


This section is where device information, Monitoring profiles and procedures are set up.

devices are grouped starting at the top by an organisation filter (can be set to show everything) then is broken down again into the following groups: Monitoring, Procedures, Software Management, Subscriptions

Each will have colour coding on the icon to show what needs attention and will also highlight devices that are tagged in a project or job

Monitoring will list by default all devices that have tripped a monitor and requires attention, this should also include patch management and AV etc statuses

Procedures is the screen where you can add and run Procedures

Software management is broken in to 2 parts, patching and software deployment.


This is where trending threat and mitigation advice will be available, best practice guides and site specific and global (all your sites) information in the form of a wiki

Excellent input!!!

We have a wall idea as well. You would be able to see everything important on your office wall (Disclaimer: We are not going to provide the projector, but we can provide stickers for it :wink: ) We would be sure, we are covering all of these aspects on the dashboards and wall.

We have a few questions,

  • How we should define the new customer on dashboard? Is it time based, is it status based (like during onboarding period) or something else? When we should stop showing that customer as new?
  • How we should define the new project on dashboard? When we should stop showing that project as new?
  • How we should define the new devices on dashboard? Are they devices added in last X hours or are they new discovered devices, or something else?
  • Same question for new procedures. How should we define new? what is your use case?
  • What is the benefit of having licenses attached to your customers rather than to you? If you assume you are going to be charged only for the devices using premium services in total regardless from the customer association, would you prefer this model over per customer licenses or not and why? (Hint: it might give you more flexibility and cost saving as MSP)
  • How we should define the "configuration required" label?
Example wall:


Dont forget this :slight_smile:

Hi @Ilker,

In the initial draft it was more just as a FYI that these icons also show information that is also clickable to that will go back to specific data, I guess for me “new” would be the same as an unread email, if you haven’t seen them before then they are considered new until you do, or you could have a specific time period for them to expire, maybe a week or 2.

The idea for licences to be bound to a user is because in most cases they are, and this would allow for a automatic billing system that would say for example

User John has 3 AV licences and also uses cdome shield, so on a monthly invoice those details can be automatically populated, I guess another option would be so that we will only acquire/use licences are they are being subscribed to by a user

The configuration required would be if a user adds a new services like cdome or cwatch that requires specific site data to be added, that would flag as configuration required

The main idea which may not be direction mentioned (it was a mad ramble after the idea struck)

new user calls the office > office adds user to the system and creates a work quote > Quote is sent to user > user accepts the quote > the quote then becomes either a single support ticket or a project that contains multiple support tickets > the ticket appears in the jobs menu with the devices or services attached > tech works on issue > job is resolved > job goes back to the sales module as an invoice > invoice is sent to the user

The services module and the knowledge sections are more about setting up the tools to do the work and groupings of the devices and the knowledge section is for keeping tack of site specific data like network layout maps, user guides for hardware and software and any notes of anything out of the norm and then a over all non site specific set of data like procedure guides

Hope that may give a bit more details about how I am thinking

Yes that would fit into this, its all about flow of the job from initial contact through the modules and then to the invoice