Hardware / Applications report

Hello ! How can i generate report which contain information about instaled applications on all device in group ?

@serganto92 ,

You utilize this task by using Script Procedures . You can use import these procedures:

https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/script-to-generate-software-inventory-report-and-send-it-to-an-email - Software Inventory Report
https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/software-inventory-of-selected-devices-as-one-report-and-sending-email - Software Inventory Report (selected devices)
https://scripts.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/script-to-generate-hardware-inventory-details-of-selected-devices-as-one-report-and-sends-an-e-mail - Hardware Inventory Report

@Jimmy Is this script works with Android devices ? When i try to run this Procedure for all devices, i see notification - “Something went wrong during running procedure”

@serganto92 ,

I apologize for the confusion. The suggestions I made above applies to Windows endpoints. However, for Android and/or iOS devices we do not have this feature functionality yet. What we can do is forward these suggestions to our Product Development Team who can analyze your request and put in on our roadmap for development.

@Jimmy Thank you !