Hardware Blank

Hi, the Hardware tab is blank on devices Win10 and servers.

Also I have noticed the hardware tab isn’t even there on some devices??

Hi @dittoit
We are unable to replicate what you mentioned in your post. Can you please double-check (re-log in, try a different browser, etc.) again your ITSM portal?

If the missing Hardware tab is persisting, can you perhaps show us a screenshot of the missing Hardware tab in the Device List?

See attached (tested EDGE-IE)

Tab isn’t visible in C1>RMM and https://domain.cmdm.comodo.com

Hardware Info is visible in C1>RMM but not in https://domain.cmdm.comodo.com

We will forward to the product development team your observations @dittoit . Thank you for these screenshots. We will update you more as we get word from the team.

Same issue here.

Hello @nct,

We will forward to the product development team your investigation . We will send you an email and updates as we get information.

Thank you.

Hi @dittoit, and @nct,

The ‘Hardware’ tab for some device is available only when old RMM Plugin Agent is installed on this device.

Information about device hardware in tab ‘Hardware’ will appear after 24hrs after installing RMM Plugin Agent.


As per my email to you Raymond, how will ITSM display hardware info now without RMM which we are removing from PCs.

Hello @nct,

We don’t have the information available off-hand but we’ll get them for you and provide you with an update as soon as we can.

Thank you.

Hi @nct . There is no ability to get the hardware information without installing the RMM Agent Plugin. We can actually create a Feature Request about this concern. I had send you an email about this topic. Thank you.

Surely you just add this functionality to the ITSM Agent? THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDED ASAP !!

How was this not picked up when deciding to remove the old RMM tool? what else is linked and will stop working ?

Hi @dittoit . We will provide your feedback to our Development Team and create the necessary request for this concern. We will provide you more information thru your email.