High Memory Usage

Anyone notice the high memory usage of Comodo? It usually at the top or near to the top high memory processes in task manager. Any feedback on this?

Hello @delcock ,

We will contact you by email to investigate the issue.

We appreciate your patience and understanding in this matter.

Nope… many PCs, everything looks good. Installed ITSM, CES, Acronis. No CPU load, no memory eating

The main thing that seems to run my CPU usage up, is the patch management part.

We dont use patch management… I know, this is very bad, but I (and 90% of our customers) are hate Windows update process.

Windows update:


Hello @BOSS ,

Is this a constant issue, as PM should use more resources only when there is a patch deployment task carried out (and as Sergey suggested, this is due to WSUS APIs)?


We will provide suppress reboot option soon as well…