Hot fix for Comodo Client Security (2019-10-19)

Hello everyone,

We want to inform you that we had a hot fix over Comodo Client Security Windows this Saturday (2019-10-19)

Here are the items that are included in the hot fix.

Vulnerabilities & Exploits fixes:

  • Preventing unsigned DLLs from loading into CCS processes - Windows 7
  • Add possibility to restrict containment processes from reading other processes memory
  • Containment should protect consumer PC, processes that runs on it and process memory as well from suspicious entities
Windows Client – Security Version:

You can feel free to share your feedback and comments through this post.

We will share any updates regarding hot fix release through here.


For anyone now trying to update to this release who has previously set their portal to an earlier release (Default Client Version settings in Portal Set-up), you need to specifically choose ‘latest’ and not just ‘’ on the list of versions. This has been reported as a bug to development.

@mekelrin ,

You are correct. :slight_smile: Thank you for sharing your insight. As of the current release we’re at

For anyone now trying to update to this release who has previously set their portal to an earlier release Mywegmansconnect(Default Client Version settings in Portal Set-up), you need to specifically choose ‘latest’ and not just ‘’ on the list of versions. This has been reported as a bug to development.