Hotfix for Endpoint Manager - 2019-05-17

Hello everyone,

We want to inform you that we will have a hotfix over Endpoint Manager this Friday(2019-05-17) morning. The hotfix does not require any client updates.

Here are the items that are included in the hotfix:

  • License expiration mails are extended with:
    • Contact information for portal.
    • Unsubscribe option
  • Report settings are extended with option to send license usage report only to account admin.
  • Fixed the issue of translation for Endpoint Manager when language change from portal.
You can feel free to share your feedback and comments through this post.

We will share any updates regarding hotfix release through here.

Ayhan Epik
Product Manager,
Endpoint Manager

Sounds good, the reports needed a bit of tweaking.

While you at it, can you please fix the issue I’m having? Device List / Default Customer /Production/Group Management - Add Devices to Group is broken.

Hi @TLC808 ,

Good day!
Our support team created a ticket on your behalf.
Please respond to their email so they can assist you in resolving your issue with the portal.

Thank you.

Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce that hotfix release is successfully completed.

Feel free to share any feedback.

Ayhan Epik
Product Manager,
Endpoint Manager

Excellent news, will try soon!