Hotfix for Endpoint Manager - (2019-06-18)

Hello everyone,

We want to inform you that we will have a hotfix over Endpoint Manager this Friday(2019-06-14) morning. The hotfix will also include the updated version for Communication Client for Windows. You can update your endpoints via Auto-update or manually on Endpoint Manager->Device List, as usual. We kindly remind you to check the Default Client Version settings in Portal Set-up before updating your clients.

Here are the items that are included in the hotfix:

  • Fixed the issue Maintenance Window option interfaces on below screens.
    • Run Procedure
    • Reboot Endpoint
    • Install Additional Comodo Packages
    • Install Custom MSI/Packages
    • Update Additional Packages
  • Fixed the issue of Software Inventory in Device View not showing any installed application. (Windows Communication Client update is required.)
  • Fixed the issue of Global Software Inventory not showing any application. (Windows Communication Client update is required.)
New Client Versions:
  • Windows Communication Client: 6.28.26684.19061
You can feel free to share your feedback and comments through this post.

We will share any updates regarding hotfix release through here.

Ilgaz Yucecengiz
Technical Product Manager,
Remote Monitoring and Management

But what about the firewall driver issue?

Constantly having to reinstall comodo to fix the issue for it to reappear a few weeks later. most of my customers now have their firewall disabled and the driver deleted until a fix is released

@craigplant ,

Have you updated to the latest CCS from our last release?

Feel free to check StrobeTech’s observation with the latest update to CCS, @craigplant.

Kill the firewall as in my post provided above by @Rick_C .

​​​​​​This is a Endpoint Manager update (CCC) not an Comodo Client Security (CCS) / Advanced Endpoint Protection (AEP) update no firewall would not be on the cards here at all.

Sounds like this update is going to to be great and iron out a lot of the main issues people have!

Hello everyone,

We want to inform you that due to some severe bugs found in updated version of Windows Communication Client, we have to postpone the hotfix release to next Tuesday (2019-06-18).

We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

Ilgaz Yucecengiz
Technical Product Manager,
Remote Monitoring and Management

Today is the 6/18 when will the update be available… In you post you should note the TIME of ROLLOUT

Hello everyone,

We are happy to announce that hotfix release is successfully completed.

Feel free to share any feedback.

Thank you for your patience.

Ilgaz Yucecengiz
Technical Product Manager,
Remote Monitoring and Management

Great, this has resolved an issue I was facing.

Think I’ll wait a few days :rolleyes::rolleyes:

But I’d like to point out that the platform is still showing 6.28.26498.19060 as the latest version.

@Ed_Johnson ,

Will be corrected shortly. :wink:

Hello @Ed_Johnson ,

Windows Communication Client version has already been updated (6.28.26684.19061) on Endpoint Manager Portal.

Thank you for your remark.

Best Regards,
Ilgaz Yucecengiz
Technical Product Manager,
Remote Monitoring and Management

@Ed_Johnson We have contacted you on your forum registered email address. Please check.