I guess that this hotfix has been applied also to the Endpoint Manager Communication Client, which over the weekend has been raised from version 6.31.30538.19100 to version 6.31.31559.19102. Is this correct?
By the way, it would be nice to have release announcements before the hotfix is released, so we can do our plans with the full information: we started the deployment of Endpoint Manager Communication Client version 6.31.30538.19100 last Thursday 14th just to arrive today at work and find that the Communication Client has been updated during the weekend, which is really disappointing.
That’s not serious, Comodo really has to improve the communication with their customers.
Please, try to keep us informed in advance about all releases that affect the Client versions, as that information is critical for scheduling the deployments. Thanks in advance!
– Javier Llorente
Devoteam Endpoint Security Team
Yes it is correct new version is 6.31.31559.19102 now. There was a problem we couldn’t share from forum page sorry about that. You can follow “https://community.itarian.com/releasenotes/” page. We are announcing regularly from community.
I’m trying the provided URL “community.itarian.com/release”, but I’m getting the message “Page not found. Are you looking for one of the following guides?”
Could you please check? Thanks in advance!
– Javier Llorente
Devoteam Endpoint Security Team
@zeynepyildirim I was unaware of this page until now - very useful - but as @DevoteamEndpointSecu mentioned, we need more notice and I don’t think the hotfix was posted on the status page, was it?