How about bringing network devices on C1 for Inventory and Monitoring?

Hi there,

Here I have two different things:

  1. Manually adding network devices like switches, aps, n/w printers, so all IT assets can be in one place, and when I generate a report for Hardware Inventory, I will get all assets fall under IT.
  2. How about monitoring switches, routers, access points, n/w printers. I’m still new for C1 and still exploring, not sure tools like network discovery, network assessment are already covering these things?

Appreciate your detailed response!

HI @itguy_comodo , SNMP monitoring is coming, but from memory, it has been pushed back until 2019, I’m sure a Comodo staff member can provide a more accurate response.

Hello @itguy_comodo

The suggestion for a Feature Request: SNMP monitoring on the ITSM currently shows on the road-map with 3 to 6months implementation timeline.
We will contact you as soon as this timeline becomes more accurate.
Support team will get in touch with you shortly via email.

Thank you for your patience.

@nct thank you for response on this thread.


Right now I just have a server pinging my network devices. Then, at least I will know when they go down. Ive been eager to see snmp monitoring as well.

I assume you are talking about pinging is out of C1? if so, you can PRTG 100 sensors free, if it’s about C1, let me know how?