I’m trying to configure Comodo One MSP so, that in case an endpoint detects malware/virus, a ticket and a notification/email is generated with the details and info regarding the system.
I can’t find how to do that.
Any procedure or ‘How to’ to do that?
For a lot of reasons:
1st: it’s always good to be aware of a malware/virus detection and to be on top of a possible outbreak. (like spreading as StrobeTech commented.)
2nd: to keep track of exceptional user or system behaviour. If a user or systems has a lot of detections then maybe the user is doing something wrong on the system.
Thanks for the responds.
I configured that (https://help.comodo.com/topic-399-1-…fications.html) but still no notifications or email at a detection.
I checked this by downloading/opening an EICAR testfile. The file is detected, and I can choose to clean or ignore it.
What I want is that a ticket or email is generated for that instance.
I only saw one notification that ‘The list of quarantine items on the device was updated’ which directed me to the quarantine list. But even there the EICAR testfiles weren’t listed.
Are there any other settings I can try?
On a managed virusscan platform that would be one of the first things you want to configure, I think.
If you are uncertain about a file and want a safe environment to test the file, you can try using the Shared Space feature of the CIS/CCS. Our protection suite will create a virtual desktop using a similar environment that the suite is connected to and you will see if how the file would react in the virtual environment.
Thank you for the links Riley. I was aware of the different layers of protection, which is good and can tackle ignorance of a user in most cases.
But then, I think it’s better that not only the client see’s the warning of detection, but that the system could be configured that also the system administrator or MSP gets a signal via a email or ticket.