I have one client where the users have admin access to their computers but we would like them to not know or more importantly NOT REMOVE the Comodo Client.
I’ve tried turning off the Client display in the system tray, but that setting doesn’t seem to stick.
I’d like to have an option to turn that off as a policy for these particular workstations, or through a registry change or whatever.
I’d also like to remove the information from the add/Remove programs so that they don’t see it and can’t uninstall it.
Can you help with that?
Basically, I’m looking for something like a “Stealth” install, or one that will be difficult for some power/admin users to find or remove.
Hi @LiL-BuZZard ,
Thank you for reporting this case, we will further investigate this issue and we will get back to you as soon as possible through email.
Are these users administrators on their computers? If so, you won’t be able to fully keep them from doing “stuff” to the system to remove or manipulate the agent.
With that said, you could probably run a script which could remove the uninstall information for Comodo from the registry. Additionally, you might be able to add security to the Comodo service so only administrators can stop/restart it. Maybe that could help?
Here’s the registry key I found on one of our systems which has the installation information the Comodo Communication Client - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\CD08F9ADDA070504DB76DE1530A903F0
This is all unsupported I’d guess.
The preferred solution here would be to password-protect the uninstallation process.
@LiL-BuZZard @Jordan_C If you follow this KB and set a custom password, it should do the trick https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/how-to-control-ccs-client-access-password
Hello @LiL-BuZZard,
@nct is correct and you may follow the link https://wiki.comodo.com/frontend/web/topic/how-to-control-ccs-client-access-password to control CCS client access password.
Please let us know if it works for you.
Surely @Jordan_C should have offered this advice though!
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try that and let you know.
Thanks for the info about the registry key as well.
Hello @jcauthorn,
We look forward for a positive outcome.
This is a long shot, and maybe down the wrong path, but if you can remove permissions to all things comodo and restrict to SYSTEM only?