How do I set a trigger to generate a ticket if a server is offline for "X" minutes

I can’t seem to find out how to create an alert so a ticket is generated if a server is offline for “X” minutes. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Also how often does the remote agent check in with the console?

Hello @USAComputerServices ,

In order to find out if an endpoint is down for a defined period of time, you should create a policy with ‘Ping Monitor’ (in Administration Console > Policies > Create > Ping Monitor > select the appropriate settings).

Is Ping Manager actually using ping (ICMP) or is that just what it is called?

Hello @USAComputerServices ,

Yes, it uses ICMP to check if a device can be reached.
The Ping Monitor pings a device using its hostname, fully qualified domain name or an IP Address and triggers an alert if no response is received.

Pinging a server from a workstation that may be shut off by an end user isn’t a helpful solution for monitoring a server. We should be able to receive an alert if the agent installed on a server hasn’t checked in for several minutes. I got a request for help accessing a file share that is located on a server that turned out to be online. I only knew that it was offline / unavailable once I logged in.

Hello @bradbrownjr ,

The server will not be pinged by the machine from where you create the policy, it will be pinged by the RMM service (cloud), therefore it doesn’t matter if that machine is on or not, the policy depends only by the parameters set and the state of the target machine.

Hi @bradbrownjr,

We are also working on specific “offline device monitor” and plan to release it on Q1/Q2.


^^ That’s what I was hoping to see. That will be very helpful in monitoring devices that need to be up and it should trigger an alert, a ticket, and an email when it’s down for a period of time (We should be able to choose the amount of time) a response needs to be received before creating a ticket. It would also be helpful if when the device comes back online the ticket is closed.

Hello @USAComputerServices ,

We have escalated the case and we will let you know as soon as this feature will be available. Thank you for your feedback!

Is the latest cloud version of Comodo limited in regards to policies? I don’t see an option to add a Ping Monitor via ICMP in the cloud instance?

Hello @john2

The RMM Console allows you to create a Policy regarding the Ping Monitor. Could you please be a bit more specific regarding the “cloud instance” ?

I’m starting to get my Comodo up and running, and this is an essential requirement. Please let us all know when we can start enabling it.

The ping monitor, if from the cloud, would never hit any server of mine. I don’t allow the internet to ping my internal equipment. the only thing that a ping monitor (from the cloud) would do is help you determine if a server/router/gateway was up and running. Which begs the question, why is it a policy that you would apply (presumably) to a device? I’m thinking that ping monitor is actually a way to ping a device from the device that has the RMM on it? I guess I’ll have to test.

Hello @garlandtech

Please refer to the following link for detailed information about

Basically, Ping Monitor pings a device using its hostname, fully qualified domain name or an IP Address and generates a service desk ticket if no response is received.

Hello @Harvey

Yup - I figured from the way the ping monitor is configured, that it would do that. I was commenting on Nick from Comodo’s response which said:

“The server will not be pinged by the machine from where you create the policy, it will be pinged by the RMM service (cloud), therefore it doesn’t matter if that machine is on or not, the policy depends only by the parameters set and the state of the target machine.”

Pinging something from the cloud only makes sense to monitor routers or public facing items, which you could do with a computer that is offsite. The ping is not generated from the cloud servers though. I tested this last night, and indeed verified that the machine you apply the policy to, will ping the address you specify every minute (at least in my case with a 5 minute timer it sent a ping exactly every minute).

I guess, if you had a few servers, you could set each one to ping another, and so on. That would give you an intermediate way to test uptime of a server. The problem, of course is for a small firm, that may only have a single server onsite. I try to get my clients to keep every computer on all the time (really nice for midnight update runs), but many insist on shutting computers down each night. It’ll be great when we can enable/disable an uptime monitor which just (from the cloud management server) alerts if a device hasn’t “checked” in for a specified amount of time.

**** One thing that needs to be implemented with this, is the ability to have those uptime alerts dependant on some other trigger as well. What I’ve seen happen with a number of products, is that if the internet connection goes down for an entire site, and you have 15 devices that you have uptime monitors on, you’ll get 15 notifications that systems are down, when a single “Internet is down” message would have been appropriate. That’ll have to be worked out. I have clients with hundreds of computers, dozens of printers, switches, AP’s and servers. If the internet blinks for 5 minutes, I don’t really want to get 150 notices that devices are offline…****

Hello @garlandtech ,

We will inquire the developers to provide exact information about the ping monitor and we will also forward your feature request to the developers and we will get back to you as soon as we have an outcome.

Thank you for your feedback!

Hello @garlandtech ,

We are pleased to inform you that the implementation of the feature that you have requested is scheduled to be included in our upcoming release due on September 30th 2016.

We appreciate your patience and your understanding in this matter!

Just checking in on this as its been a month since last post to get better understanding of the ping feature and how it works please and thanks.

Hello @azon2111
We have asked for an update on this case and we will reply as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

nm, I found it in the ITSM - Bulk Installation section, thanks.

So did ITSM replace RMM or incorporate the functionality into ITSM? Why the need for both?