How does the ticket track time worked?

I havent been able to find this in the help files or in the application anywhere.



Service Desk automatically calculate the time a ticket stays on open state. When you close the ticket, it shows the sum of these. You should put your tickets on pause state to stop the counter.

Also, you it automatically puts the same time as billable time, but when you edit the ticket, you can set the billable time yourself.

Here is a screen shot of that.

Ah. That kind of sucks. I was hoping I could start and stop time as I worked on the ticket so I could track how much time I worked on a ticket within the ticket instead of separately.

It is not separate but giving you an ability to modify it if you need.

It is good to hear your feedback, we can certainly consider to implement a Stopwatch if it is more useful.

what is the difference between start stop vs pausing?

Maybe not a stop watch. But the ability to add multiple time entries for various tasks performed on the ticket. Similar to the way Tigerpaw and ConntectWise function.

So, do you want to be able to put and see multiple time records with an explanation on each for tasks breakdown? It could be already done by putting comments there.

I am not clear about the request. do you mind putting some screenshots if you already have examples?

This is a Connectwise time entry. Its separate from the ticket and allows multiple time entries to the same ticket, while separating out what was done. Allows for easier billing so you dont have tickets that have been open for weeks (project or ongoing support issues) that you may work on daily for a different time each day.

Monday I worked from 8am to 9am. Tuesday from 930am to 10am. Wednesday from 2pm to 215pm. Friday from 9am to 930 and then 2pm to 215pm. If I were to do this in Helpdesk right now. Id have to spend extra time figuring out billable hours. vs the 5 days worth of hours that would show up if I forgot to pause / start the ticket every time.


This looks like a timesheet entry. I think for keeping employee schedule and load info, this kind of bulk entry mode would be good. We can consider this as a new feature.

If I think about individual ticket work logs, current implementation also makes sense. We can further improve it by using stopwatch. Would you agree?

Yes I do. I need to spend more time in the ticketing system. Thanks for making a product available like this.

You are welcome! we are going to make this the best product with all of you great people’s help. Please keep sharing your feedback…

I am really excited about this. The service desk seems to be based off of OSDesk. This is one of the first attempts aI made to try to organize my tickets. The lack of time entry created a problem for me, though and I was unable to track time and bill properly with it.

I am currently trying out ConnectWise because it can do time tracking. With good time entry comes the ability to actually invoice the time accumulated. With invoicing (printing a PDF would do), comes the ability to track paid and unpaid invoices (Simple flag and dates).

When I made my own HelpDesk software (10 years ago), I based everything around an “action” That action was associated with a ticket, but the ticket was not the root, the action was. Invoicing was done off of the action, not the ticket. This way a long standing problem still got billed regularly so that the client didn’t have one big bill at the end.

Just a thought on the way I did it.


Hi @ShieldEdge

We definitely have time tracking and billing based on that as well. Our time entries updated once the ticket is closed. Also, you can edit the billable time when it is closed.

We are also working on stopwatch functionality to improve it but please try it and tell us how we can improve more.

Some links that might be useful for you:

Best regards,

Okay… that worked (closing the ticket). I did try to let the ticket stay open while I did other things. When I had come back, the session had timed out. That could prove problematic if you are expecting the time to be measured while the page is open… hrm…

I would recommend just having a time start & stop field for each entry. You can have a friendly <clock> button next to it to populate. This would essentially do the same thing except for when the page times out, I can put the original time back in to get my billing hours correct.

Thought I should add this as a separate comment since it is germane:

I would recommend just having a time start & stop field for each entry. You can have a friendly <clock> button next to it to populate if you wanted to be nice. This would essentially do the same thing except for when the page times out (as it appears to want to do), I can put the original time back in to get my billing hours correct.


The timer will keep counting regardless from the session timeout. now, it would count as long as ticket is assigned to someone and in open state (not paused or closed).

Your time entry improvement suggestion is already in roadmap for next feature release in December.

Please let us know what else could be improved. We are here to develop the best product with your suggestions…

Is Tasks also getting rolled in December update? That would help a lot with similar situation where we can break tickets in to sub tasks and calculate time for each time and track them.

Hi @ymi

​Task view is intended for 2016 Q1

Best regards,

Thank you.

Is there a way to share the road map to the community on a sticky topic. We do appreciate that we do get to vote on features along with their priority but it would certainly help to see them on the road map which is updated with every release. So if any feature needs to be bumped up or down, community can certainly pass their input improving our over all engagement here,