How many endpoints do you have protected by ITSM's Comodo Client Security?

Just wondering who has the greatest number of endpoints protected by CCS? As an MSP we have 700.

we have some MSPs with just over 5000…and growing…there is a huge growth among MSPs.
we have many Enterprises with tens of thousands though…

I only have a couple hundred, and am not planning any growth, until the platform levels off. I would hate to have it on thousands of systems, and decide it is not stable enough for me, and have to move thousands of endpoints elsewhere. At this point, I can manually do what I have to, but if I had too many, I would be totally reliant on the software, which would not be real good with all the heavy development still going with C1. I will work on growth after the platform becomes more stable and levels out, and works as I feel it should.